Monday, July 8, 2013

Thoughts about the value of art by Socrates and Plato.

For those that like philosophy, what do you think about Socrates's comments about art: "... that painting or drawing, and imitation in general, when doing their own proper work, are far removed from the truth, and the companions, friends and associates of a principle within us which is equally removed from reason, and that they have no truth or healthy aim." This was taken from "The Republic" written by Plato. So does this mean that art is of no value. I know that Socrates was referring to the fact that all artists (Painters, draughtsmen, musician and even poets) are imitators and that they do not actually create anything anew, but merely copy what we find interesting about us. Agree that we copy what we see and feel, but I do not by any means agree with him that art has no value. It is a fundamental tool of the human race, to use art as a communication tool. Religion is a good example of this, all major religions used art to convey their beliefs and doctrine.

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