Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Another attempt at copying Michelangelo

This is another attempt at capturing the spirit of Michelangelo. He is without a doubt one of the greatest artists ever, in the western world. I can not offer an opinion about Asian art as I do not have enough knowledge of their styles and what makes a good image in their culture. Because of this lack of knowledge I do feel very much at a disadvantage. One day I will have to start learning about that type of culture. There are some prints of Mountain Fuji that are really mind blowing, and that iconic painting of the wave - all I can say is "Wow!". I have bee toying with the idea of doing a mural of that on our garden wall. I lack the courage to start something like that at the moment. But it burning within me, so I suppose that one day I will have a go at it.

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