Sunday, April 21, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Annibale Carracci

Annibale Carracci was born in Bologna, and in all likelihood was first apprenticed within his family. In 1582, Annibale, his brother Agostino and his cousin Ludovico Carracci opened a painters' studio, initially called by some the Academy of the Desiderosi (desirous of fame and learning) and subsequently the Incamminati (progressives; literally "of those opening a new way"). While the Carraccis laid emphasis on the typically Florentine linear draftsmanship, as exemplified by Raphael and Andrea del Sarto, their interest in the glimmering colours and mistier edges of objects derived from the Venetian painters, notably the works of Venetian oil painter Titian, which Annibale and Agostino studied during their travels around Italy in 1580-81 at the behest of the elder Caracci Lodovico. This eclecticism was to become the defining trait of the artists of the Baroque Emilian or Bolognese School.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Today is not a good day

In a few moments I have to leave to attend a funeral, never a good place to go. But the man was a good man and deserves respect, in fact he did command respect and love from so many, he will be missed. Bye Marco Vieira ------ Having got back from the funeral, I fund it necessary to add some more thoughts to what I wrote earlier: While listening to the preacher talk a lot, I become aware of a fact: you know that you are getting old by the number of funerals you have attended. Up an until the age of 30 I attended very few funerals, maybe 2 or 3, but the moment that you hit 40 the number changes significantly. It is from now on that you parents, and their sibling start to pass-way. True they might not be old, but they are at the age that succumbs to all types of fatal diseases, especially cancer.The ones friends start to die, from accidents and premature illness, and those that are left will be going soon. Then one also starts to realize that, it could be me at any time. True I do not have a fatal disease at the moment (that I know about), but the older one gets the more the odds are stacked against you to seeing anther day. Then, if you have the same disposition that I have have (that this is all there is is), one has the start making the days count. Once this day is gone, it will never be returned to you to have anther go at it, it is gone for ever, never to be seen again. So may the philosophy of "eat drink and be merry" is one that we should follow. If I'm not mistaken it is the Epicurean philosophy. Sounds good to me - so pass the whiskey bottle love!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Oh What a Joy

Oh what a joy to draw the naked human form, nothing is so challenging. Just think how much easier it is to draw a tree, you can always put in an extra branch, but try that with the human form, you´ll be drawing for some science-FY illustrations.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


The weekend is upon us and the rain has let up at last, the sun is out and so should I be

Friday, April 12, 2013

Calligraphy and Illumination

This is a very amateurish attempt at calligraphy and some illumination. The style of calligraphy is Copperplate. The poem I did not create, it was taken off the internet.

What do you know?

What do you know, some more messing around with pen and paper. Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Figure drawing

"Figure drawing", what an ambiguous phase: does it mean that you are drawing figures, or drawing with figures? Like you get pencil and charcoal drawing. And when some one says, they are "not good at figures" they are referring to numbers. that begs the question: are you drawing numbers?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Friday and Today´s drawings

Given that I was not able to loadup a drawing on Friday, I have done an extra page of drawings for today. I know these are only sketches, but they do help to keep the "eye in". Hope you have all had a very good day and are in good spirits. Not the type that is in a bottle.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Today's drawings.

I also have a drawing that was done on Friday, but I just can not be get it loaded on the site. I follow exactly the same procedures as always and everything seems to be "on track", but when I go have a look at it, the image does not appear. Go figure! May be it has some thing to do with the file itself. The great thing about traditional art is that I would not have had this sort of problem. With traditional art "what you see is what you get" I will have to do an extra drawing now for that day.

Sunday´s drawing

Saturday´s drawing

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Good afternoon

Well after another days drawing, I feel quiet happy with myself. The only way that I think that I might feel more happy is being in an art university in Moscow, where they do drawing for the first two years, eight hours per day, 6 days per week - and only on the third year do they start with colour. Now that is classical tuition! The problem with modernity, is that most so called artists can not even draw a picture of Mickey Mouse, and the saddest thing is that they do not get the help that they are crying out for. Yes, in one respect they are artists because they are creating, but they are doing it without knowledge. Lets look at one of the most important artists in history - Picasso. At the age of 12, he had a classical education in art and produced wonderful works at a tender age. No wonder at a later stage in life he could no almost anything and have a license to do what most of the world would call rubbish. He earned the right to "chuck out anything", knowing that it was produced with knowledge. Then, and only then did he go laughing to the bank. However today's artist wants the shortcut. From kinder garden to the bank - it just does not work that way.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Another days practicing

When a musician learns to play a music instrument, he has to practice the scales daily, and in keeping in with this principle here is but a few of today´'s images. I promised one drawing perday for a year and am coming up to the halfway mark.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

This mornings drawings

Good morning everyone, hope you had a good night's rest and are ready to head off to work. What a great day for work, just think how great it is going to be - you will be able to arrive home tonight tired and frustrated. How great is that? The only consolation is that you are not the only one, the majority of mankind is bound by shackles of labor. Only those that were born with a silver spoon in the mouth are able to do what they want from day to day. Or are they? Does anyone have the freedom to choose what they want? Those that are laboring daily want to retire, and those that have retired wished they were back at work again. is none happy with their lot in life? Those that are unfortunately unemployed want to be employed, and those that have work, would rather not. What a strange race of creatures we are!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Practice Sketches

These are some practice sketches done on Sunday and this morning. And then some doodling with coloured pencils.