Well after another days drawing, I feel quiet happy with myself. The only way that I think that I might feel more happy is being in an art university in Moscow, where they do drawing for the first two years, eight hours per day, 6 days per week - and only on the third year do they start with colour. Now that is classical tuition! The problem with modernity, is that most so called artists can not even draw a picture of Mickey Mouse, and the saddest thing is that they do not get the help that they are crying out for. Yes, in one respect they are artists because they are creating, but they are doing it without knowledge. Lets look at one of the most important artists in history - Picasso. At the age of 12, he had a classical education in art and produced wonderful works at a tender age. No wonder at a later stage in life he could no almost anything and have a license to do what most of the world would call rubbish. He earned the right to "chuck out anything", knowing that it was produced with knowledge. Then, and only then did he go laughing to the bank. However today's artist wants the shortcut. From kinder garden to the bank - it just does not work that way.
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