I create because I have to! There is this innate habit that makes humans what they are: the unexplainable need to create. We all create to some degree or another; some sculpture, paint, draw, design jewellery or invent meals. Some create with more passion and frequency than others, and I like to think of myself as one of those .
I prefer to create using gold/silver leafed canvases as my foundation, with the addition of other objects attached to the canvas. This method of creating is commonly known as “Assemblage”. My preference of additional objects at the moment is electronic circuit boards. Each of them is an object of art in their own right, and an art object of another’s creation, therefore adding to the continuity of the work that I'm in the process of making. When I hold a “motherboard” in my hand, I can not help but marvel at the patterns created by the circuits, the way that the precious metals reflect off the surface and the placements of the chips. When holding the board, my mind begins to ask. “How can I use this gorgeous, but rather redundant piece? It is too fascinating just toss it out, without a second thought”
After I have prepared the canvas with gold and silver leaf, and having antiqued and stressed the metal, the circuit boards or any other objects that suit me at the time, are added. There seems to be a never ending challenge to do/make/experiment with physical things. Constantly looking for something but never finding out what I’m looking for or what I’m trying to achieve. This reminds me of what a wise man once said: “There is nothing new under the sun”, so looking for new methods was not going to be “a walk in the park”. Man has used every imaginable item to create with: charcoal from fire, pigments from the soil, metal, vegetable and even animal substances. So, in my search I have used traditional as well as contemporary objects, and so my art was born. Gold and silver leaf paintings are the offspring of my fecundate creatively
So with great pleasure and pride I present my oeuvre to you, and hope that in observing my art, you will experience the same joy that I had in its creation.