Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Have you ever been in a room , filled full of family , friends and interesting people, and felt totally detached? This situation has absolutely nothing to do do with the quality of the people in the room, nor with the fact that you love, like or dislike anyone of them. It has more to do with the Grande Canyon of space between the way that I think, and the way that others think about certain subjects or themes. When they discuss certain themes, there seems to be absolutely no link or attenuated bridges between the rest of them and me. Is it my fault that I feel like this? I'm pretty sure that they will jump at the opportunity to shout : Yes! Thank goodness these moments are rare and hopefully they will not become frequent. So, if you have a closer look at the painting you will see me (or yourself) sitting on a chair, and in the far distance some other people wondering about, but together. Maybe you can recognize this situation

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