In a few moments I have to leave to attend a funeral, never a good place to go. But the man was a good man and deserves respect, in fact he did command respect and love from so many, he will be missed. Bye Marco Vieira ------ Having got back from the funeral, I fund it necessary to add some more thoughts to what I wrote earlier: While listening to the preacher talk a lot, I become aware of a fact: you know that you are getting old by the number of funerals you have attended. Up an until the age of 30 I attended very few funerals, maybe 2 or 3, but the moment that you hit 40 the number changes significantly. It is from now on that you parents, and their sibling start to pass-way. True they might not be old, but they are at the age that succumbs to all types of fatal diseases, especially cancer.The ones friends start to die, from accidents and premature illness, and those that are left will be going soon. Then one also starts to realize that, it could be me at any time. True I do not have a fatal disease at the moment (that I know about), but the older one gets the more the odds are stacked against you to seeing anther day. Then, if you have the same disposition that I have have (that this is all there is is), one has the start making the days count. Once this day is gone, it will never be returned to you to have anther go at it, it is gone for ever, never to be seen again. So may the philosophy of "eat drink and be merry" is one that we should follow. If I'm not mistaken it is the Epicurean philosophy. Sounds good to me - so pass the whiskey bottle love!