Monday, January 7, 2013

What is the the role of the Galleries?

Have you ever wondered what the correct role of the gallery should be? Is it to promote the artist, the gallery themselves or culture in general? We probably would like to think that they are there to culturally enrich the general public. Well at least I do. But my personal experience of late, has started to erode my confidence. But, there is also the nagging thought that the current economic climate and the internet/digital format may have a leading role in this. I think that more and more attention is now given to the digital artist, and if the traditional artist does not keep abreast, he or she will be left behind. It seems that the most traditional medium of all: oils, is less and less used. I have noticed that very little store room is given to the product in the stores, and to add to that thought, it is normally very badly stocked. But I have begun to digress from the original theme of today's blog: what is the role of the gallery?

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