I feel like I´m a analog man trapped in a digital age. Absolutely everything that we use seems to require the use of circuit boards and electricity. I remember a time (goodness me I sound old) when we wanted to write something we picked up a pen and made marks on paper. There is something to be said for the feels of the pen on the paper, the smell of linseed oil of the paints, the heat of the blowtorch. Most people do not write, they type. Artist do their work on a screen, which seems to me to be remote and untouchable. Almost detached from the work at hand. In no way am I belittling the work of the modern artist, they can conjure up some really interesting and beautiful painting. But I like to feel the materials that are in use. Old discarded pieces of junk can look and feel very interesting to me. A computer mother board is one of the most beautiful contemporary pieces of art work, that is why I like to use it in my art. Throwing it away just seems to be shameful, you do not throw away some ones else s hard work.maybe that is why I like steampunk art. If you like this steam punk kettle, it is for sale at etsy.com. In the search just type in the words steampunk lamp robin read.