I have not been around for that long, a mere 55 years, but I have noticed one major change in our lives: The extent that we are now connected to our phones. When I was young, phones were only used to make phone calls (Wow, but that is absolutely true)and, you were not always lucky enough to have a phone installed in your house. I have memories of one of our neighbours, coming to use the our phone once in a while. It was not considered an object of entertainment, but rather a very important part of emergency communication. You did not call anyone for a social chat, it was used for short brief necessary conversations only. But today, it is used for a thousand and one uses and new ways of using this ubiquetes item are been invented daily, from social to business or even medical emergencies. You can even make phone calls free But, do you remember the economic principle: "There is no such thing as a free lunch". You might think that you have all these wonderful apps for free and phone calls to boot, but you ARE paying. Please don´t get me wrong, I love the modernity, but it comes at a price, some times not in the form of a direct cost, but a indirect cost, health and medical bills. Please use your phone with discretion.