Saturday, March 30, 2013

Good evening

Good evening to those that are sitting at home on Saturday night, instead of being out on the town with family and friends, listening to good music and having one too many. Those that are not dancing their ass off, and are not dedicated to the pursuit of perfection, here are some more daily drawings. But seriously, who wants to be sitting at home doing nothing but drawing, when you can be out having a good time? Good times need finance - who is going to pay for the drinks' What are you going t do when it comes around to your turn to fit the bill for the round of drinks? Have you sold enough painting to pay for this evening outing or not?

System would not allow

I was not able to add the photos for Thursday as well as for Friday, system would just hang. So here goes again.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Another copy of a Matisse

Here is another copy of one of the studies of Matisse. He was a superb draftsman, with just a few strokes of the pen, and so much was told. Artistically laconic.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A copy of Mattisse´s

This is a pencil copy of one of the studies that Matisse did, before putting brush to canvas. A very simple drawing yes, but, bursting with suggested salaciousness.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday´s drawing

Matisse did this drawing in pencil without colour, but I added in the colours like I thought that he might. But the end result looks more like Superman than anything else. Hope you have a good laugh.

Sunday´s Drawing

This is a copy of one of the canvases of Matisse, it was done in 1919. The canvas size was 66*50cm, and the painting was done with oils. However, the reference copy that I have, displayed the image in tones of grey, so I do not know if the original has colour or this was merely a underpainting. The fact that the hands were not well defined lends itself to this idea, well at least to me.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Albrecht Dürer´drawing of a deer

This drawing was originally done by Albrecht Dürer and at that time there was no colour. In the drawing that I did, I used a dip pen with watercolour and for the back ground used Winsor and Newton gouache for the blue. The second drawing with the flowers, was the result of screwing around with Photoshop. Instantaneous results for those that like that sort of thing.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Had enough of drawing hands, so had a go at some structural drawing of the feet, ie the bones.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Doing drawings

Doing drawing on a daily basis is not easy, but just like any other form of art, it requires discipline and daily attention, bordering on fanaticism. But it is tiring

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

These 3 drawing contributed to the blog, for yesterday, today and tomorrow. Hand practicing and some doodling. Have a good day everyone out there, may your day be blessed and full of happiness.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013

The great Michelangelo

What a profile - Michelangelo not only drew the beautiful, but the very ugly as well as the unusual face. This copy I did with pencil on recycled paper. Originally it was done with sanguine.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


This is a copy that I made of one of Michelangelo's drawings. He did this study before the painting was done. I do not believe that this is one of my best attempts, but it is today's drawing. Not everything that I do turns out the way that I envisioned. On the other hand: nothing ventured nothing gained.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Danielle da Volterra

This was a copy of the study by Danielle da Volterra for a painting. Notice that the man's right hand is not completed ( the hand that is between himself and the boy) Here is some information that I managed to gather about the artist: Daniele Ricciarelli was born in Volterra (in today's Tuscany). As a boy, he initially studied with the Sienese artists Il Sodoma and Baldassare Peruzzi, but he was not well received and left them. He appears to have accompanied the latter to Rome in 1535, and helped paint the frescoes in the Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne. He then became an apprentice to Perin del Vaga. From 1538 to 1541 he helped Perin with the painting of frescoes in the villa of Cardinal Trivulvives at Salone, in the Massimi chapel in Trinità dei Monti, and the chapel of the crucifixion in San Marcello al Corso. He was commissioned the painting of a frieze in the main salon of the Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne, with the life of Fabius Maximus. In Rome he also started working in the circle of Michelangelo and befriended him. Michelangelo used his influence with Pope Paul III to secure Daniele commissions and the post of superintendent of the works of the Vatican, a position he retained until the Pope's death. Michelangelo also provided him with sketches on which Daniele based some of his paintings, especially his series of frescoes in the Orsini chapel in the Trinità dei Monti, the commission for which Daniele had received in December 1541. Later Daniele was commissioned by Paul III to complete the decoration of the Sala Regia. On the death of the pope in 1549 he lost his position as superintendent and the pension to which it entitled him. He then devoted himself chiefly to sculpture. He died in Rome in 1566. According to Daniele's will, the marble knee of the missing left leg of the Christ from Michelangelo's Deposition was in his possession at the time of his death. Among his pupils was Giulio Mazzoni from Piacenza.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Daniele Volterra

This is a portrait drawing, originally done by Daniele Volterra, of Michelangelo. This copy that I drew was done with pencil on recycled paper.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

George Bridgman

The drawing I have been doing over the last few day were taken from the book "Bridgman's Complete Guide To Drawing From Life" Naturally the artist is George Bridgman, and in this book there are over 1000 illustrations of the human physic. It is illustrated with the artist in mind and will give a very profound knowledge to any aspiring artist. His book I highly recommend, and if you do purchase the book, copy every single illustration in the book. His drawing techniques will rub-off onto you, to your advantage.This was recommended to me - it was very good advise. The author is well respected lecturer at the New York Art Student's League, do yourself a favour - take the advise.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Another exercise done

Thursday and Friday´s drawing

Have been very busy at the moment, the storms have blown 2 of the huge garden trees down, so I have been cutting them up for the next year. Consoling myself that: when it is cold outside and I reach for another log to place on the fire, that I will be happy that I went to all that trouble. So the drawing has been a little difficult to do, not only have I been tired at the end of the day, but the fingers do not respond so well after having used the chain saw and panga the whole day.