Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Thing

Title: The Thing

Thanks Picasso

Picasso is one of my favourite artists. Not all his work I like but there are some very powerful painting that he has done.
This one was a drawing that he did, but it lacked colour, and at the stage of painting this I was into these colours so hey presto!

Title: Thanks Picasso
Medium: Oil on Masonite
Size: 50*39cm
Year: 1997

Small African Trees

This was one painting that I did twice, this is the smaller one. The larger one is a mirror reflection of the first. Also taken from a Windsor and Newton lesson. They were very worth doing the lessons.

Title: Small African Trees
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 65*50cm
Year: 2000

Rubens Woman

Paul Peter Rubens is also one of my favourites. It seems that I have many favourites. Including Schiele, Modiglianni and Klimt. Anyway, this was one his drawing that I thought could be used to practice with.

Title: Ruben´s Woman
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 81*54cm
Year: 1998

Restful Field

This painting was done under compulsion, one of those moments that I just have to stop everything that I´m doing and try what I have been thinking about, before the feeling or mood is lost. Normally when this happens that is when I paint at my best. This was also one of those pictures that I felt very reluctant to let go, but one can not keep everything. It went so quickly that I did not even get a chance to write down its size.
Title: Restful Field
Medium: Oil
Size: Small
Year: 2006


Title: Reddish
Medium: Mixed
Size: 30*21cm
Year: 2002

New Look

Title: The New Look
Medium: Oil bars on canvas
Size: 40*30cm
Year: 2002


This painting does no justice to the original, I take my hat off to you Modi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Modiglianni
Medium: Wax Crayons and Gold leaf
Size: 40*50cm
Year: 2001

Baby Eyes

Title: Here´s Looking at you Baby
Medium: Oil
Size: Don´t remember
Year: 2007

Large African Trees

There exists a smaller version of this painting but in a mirror image reflection. The framing was also done by me.

Title: Large African Trees
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 130*97cm
Year: 2000

Jazz Band

This was one of those feeling good paintings, where the result was unimportant. When this happens the results are normally satisfying.

Title: Jazz Band
Medium: Oil bars on canvas.
Size: 100*81cm
Year: 2006


Saw a photo of this statue, and at that stage I did not have a model to pose for me I painted this. It is a very bight shocking colour painting, but it illustrated nicely the relationship between complementary colours

Title: Mrs Jade
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 100*70cm
Year: 2001

Flying Whales

This painting was the result of seeing one of the drawings of my son Benjamin. I thought the drawing was just so fantastic that I copied my sons own drawing. What is happening to my artist creativity?

Title: Flying Whales
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size: 92*73cm
Year: 2002

Flower Shopping

Another of one of the paintings that I copied when I first started out. This is still one that is a favourite with my wife, so it has been given to her.

Title: Flower Shopping
Medium: Oil bars on Canvas
Size: 81*65cm
Year: 2001

Family Bonds

Title: Family Bonds
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 100,5*75cm
Year: 2001


Windsor and Newtons oils bars are fantastic to draw with as they dry just like oil paints. Not like the oil pastels that remain sticky and never dry - horrible stuff. This was done as an illustration on how to use oil bars at the time that I had a art supply shop

Title: FaceUp
Medium: Oilbars on Canvas
Size: 97*65cm
Year: 2002

Red Woman and Green Man

These paintings have been given to Chantelle for a wedding present. They will probably shock some, but they were done to show the relationship between complementary colours. It is idea taken from another artists paint a few alterations.

Title: The Red Woman and The Green Man
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 195*73cm
Year: 2001

Blue Spray

The blue that surrounds the image is not part of the painting. This paint was painted on a whim and to my surprise it was sold. It is amazing that some of the paintings I have done, that I thought were not that great have been the first to go. And something that took a lot of effort with better results have not been sold as fast.

Title: The Blue Spray
Medium: Acrylic spray on Masonite
Size: 77*77cm
Year: 2001


Title: Algarve.
Medium: Acrylic and canvase.
Size: ?
Year: 2005

Monday, June 15, 2009

Simple Metals

Title: Simple Metal
Year: 2002
Size: 108*82cm


This was done for my son Benjamin
Title: Spiderman
Size: 146*81cm
Year: 2004


Title: The Sax
Size: 100*81cm
Year: 2006


This ideas was taken from a drawing done by Paul Peter Rubens, one of the greatest artists of all time. I still feel that I have not done justice to his drawing by just covering it on gold and silver. But it was part of the drawing process when I first stated with this medium.
Title: Rubens Study
Size: 160*90cm (Three panels)
Year: 2001

The Robe

Title: The Robe
Medium: Gold and Silver Leaf on canvas
Size: 100*81cm
Year: 2004

The Poppy Field

Title: The Poppy Field
Size: 146*100cm
Year: 2003
Medium: Gold & silver leaf, and Oil

Yellow Orchre

This painting started off as a demonstration as to the process of painting one of my pictures. I like the result so much that on each occasion that some wanted to buy it I refused to sell.
Title: Yellow Ochre
Size: 46*55cm
Year: 2004

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Chess Game

Chess is one of the things that remind me of my father, he taught me to play and he was passionate about the game.
I must admite that I would love to play more, but no one here seems to be too interested in the game.

The Title: The Chess Game
The Size: 118*73cm
The Year: 2008
The Medium: Oil on canvase

Green Worms

This painting was started with no clear objective, but it ended up as painting that played on the complementary colours of the colour wheel. ie. The reds and the greens.
The Title: GreenWorms
The Size: 46*55cm
The Year: 2008

Monday, May 18, 2009

Night Walk

This was a result of a walk along the river that runs though the town of Leiria. It has been heavily built up and the canvas is very heavy, thank goodness it is on a strong Belgium linen.
This painting was bought by a collector in Ireland.
Title. Night Walk
Size: 130*97
Year: 2002

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Music

This is a very heavy canvas as it is one of those that are very thick, double the normal thickness, Plus it is very larger - 70*170cm. Done in 2005
Needless to say what inspired me:

Mrs Long Legs

This was one of the very first painting I did. It consists of 3 canvases that come to 240*100cm and the year was 2001. Since then I Have done a lot of drawing as well as paintings. This painting is now in South Africa.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mrs Big

It seems like this was done a long time ago.
Title: Mrs Big
Size: 130*97cm
Year: 2001

The Morning Snooze

This painting was bought by the library in Leiria
Title: Morning Snooze.
Size: 100*100cm
Year: 2001

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This was done showing the little square in the town in which I live.
The Title: Leiria
The Size:130*97cm
The Year: 2004
This painting now hangs in the museum MIMO in Leiria.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Marathon Nº2

The other one of the marathon paintings. This one is slightlt smaller.
Title: Marathon Nº2
Size: 54,5*42,5
Year: 2003

Marathon Nº1

This is anther one of those paintings that have the image carried over to the frame. Marathon running was one of my passions. Hence the following 2 paintings.
Title: Marathon Nº1
Size: 62*45cm
Year: 2003

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Smaller Shell

Seeing that the other one was the larger shell, and was loaded up today I decided to load this one up as well.
The Size: 92*65cm
The Year: 2002

The Large Shell

Titled the large shell as there was anther done that was smaller. This one is 100,5 * 75cm, done in 2002.
Once again: Gold and silver leaf.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Knife and Fork

This Set was painted with canvases of the same size : 146*92cm, and were painted in 2002. They have been liked by a lot of people but still have not been bought as together they are rather expensive. They will be good in restaurant I think. They are copies of a cake and knife set that belonged to my grandmother.