Men have died cruelly, bitter wars have been fought and mighty nations have been enslaved due to the shine of gold. Once mighty currencies were based on the strength of gold, and even today, senual woman parade with the precious metal. It is this deadly fascination for the yellow metal, that has resulted in magnificient works of art. Heavely gold plated statues, designer jewelry, and pure gold leaf picture frames, bear tribute to mans abitlity and haughtiness.
I have tried to reflect the more gentile, kind reflective nature of man and woman in the lustre of gold and silver. The pensive, peacful occasions when time has slowed down, between sleep and wake. These rare occaions occur all to seldom, but when they do arrive, their presence is beyound doubt. These pleasurable relaxed moments in time, I feel need to be captured in a rich medium - gold and silver.
Recording these rare emotions have always been a compelling force, even if it meant soft pencil marks in the margins of my school books. At times there were more sketches than notes, much to the dismay of the literature or maths teachers. I have always been bewitched by the craft of Picasso, the gardens of Claude Monet, and the voluptuous woman of Gustav Klimt. I needed a new technique to capture special moments.. but as a very wise man once said "there is nothing new under the sun", so looking for new methods to represent peaceful moments was not going to be a "walk in the park". Man has used almost every imaginable item to create with - charcoal from fires, pigments from the soil, metal and even animal substances were used, So instead of using a new substance, I decided to mix the existing substanes, methods and techniques available, or know to me, and so my art was born.
So, with great pleasure and pride I present to you my art and hope that you will have as much joy in looking at the paintings as I had in the process of their creation.